Previous Residency Programs Include...

From Anansi to Zeus
K‐5th Grade
Students are introduced to internationally renowned literary figures from folktales, myths, and legends, and create original works of art based on each story.

China Through the Eyes of Monkey King
K‐5th Grade
Students create animated drawings, paint in traditional Chinese style, and design their own shadow puppets, as they investigate modern and ancient Chinese culture through the epic tale Journey to the West.

Beakers & Brushes
1st–5th Grade
Students investigate the works of artists who integrate science in their practice and discover the ways in which artists infuse physics, math, and technology into their work.

Diggin' Dinos
1st–5th Grade
Students travel back in time to imagine what it was like when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Becoming apprentice paleontologists, they inspect fossils and other clues to draw conclusions about our favorite dinos.

Bug Out!
K–5th Grade
Students become entomologists as they study a variety of insects and discover why they are crucial members of our ecosystem.

Gross Biology
2nd–6th Grade
Students investigate our hard‐working muscles, organs, nervous and digestive systems and learn about the ways in which each keeps us healthy and strong.

Modern Masters
2nd–5th Grade
From Jacob Lawrence to Faith Ringgold, students learn about a modern artist, including their inspiration, motivations, and social practice.

Art around the World
1st–5th Grade
Students travel from Indonesia to West Africa to the Midwestern United States to explore traditional artistry and art‐making techniques.

This residency combines science and research from the National Institutes of Health with the Museum’s arts and literacy based pedagogy to teach the value of making positive choices in areas that most affect overall health such as nutrition, physical activity, and sleep.

Sense-ational Science
Children explore the world around them through their five senses.

Budding Bookmakers
Children discover the amazing world of books as they explore a wide variety of children’s literature and the techniques used by diverse illustrators.

Creating Connections
Family Engagement Workshop
Families learn about child development through hands‐on art-making, story time, games, and more.