Support CMOM

Your generosity raises funds for CMOM to continue to serve children of all backgrounds and abilities across New York City.

By supporting CMOM, you will bring educational opportunities and play to those who need it most.

Your contribution directly impacts the children of NYC.




Underwrites programs for NYC Families Living in Homeless Shelters, museum experiences designed for families to enjoy safe, fun, social, and educational interactions; includes a year-long museum membership for each participating family.



Sponsors 100 year-long CMOM family memberships providing access to programs and exhibits for families living in temporary housing and children participating in Head Start programs.



Funds 1,000 complimentary tickets to CMOM for families coming from underserved communities through partnerships with the NYC Department of Education, Administration for Children’s Services, Department of Homeless Services, Department of Health, and Department of Correction.



Finances a year of programming at a CMOM Health and Learning Hub, one of 40 permanent educational installations located in shelters across the five boroughs run in partnership with the Department of Homeless Services.



Supplies activity materials for use during programs in CMOM’s galleries including art supplies, books, games, STEM project materials, and learning tools for all parents and caregivers who visit CMOM.



Supports CMOM’s onsite and outreach programs and the important work taking place at the museum.


Enter your own amount to support CMOM’s mission.

Your contributions are fully tax deductible.

For additional information please contact:
[email protected]