All the Way to K and Beyond: Make Art
Fun Language Building Activities for Families
Make Art at the Museum
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Bottle of Surprises
Recycled plastic bottles become magical when you fill them with simple objects. Fill your bottle with objects. Make as many bottles as you like. Talk with your child about what you see and how the objects move and sound as you shake your bottle.

Nature Sun Catchers
Celebrate nature by creating a Sun Catcher to hang on your window! As you look outside, talk together with your child about the weather and what they see.

Puppet Making
With your child, create animal puppets from recycled materials around the house. Your puppet can express emotions and practice telling stories.

Surprise Storytelling Box
Use small objects, toys, pictures, and more from your home to start conversations and tell stories with your child.

Family Storytelling Book
Create a family book to share your family’s stories. As your child grows, include their artwork and take turns sharing stories together.